I have a passion for capturing and recording the Australian landscape and all that comes with it. Sunrises and sunsets are a favourite subject to capture as it’s when Mother Nature seemingly puts on the most amazing shows. The photographing of old, abandoned early days farming machinery and buildings are more times than often the focus point of the image. I also captures them for prosperity so as to give them some form of recognition for the provision of services in days gone by. Quite often these old relics of early Australian farming days are left to fade away in the most indignant nature. With their demise so much history is lost forever unfortunately. I also capture images of the aforementioned subjects under the guise of darkness using the Milky Way as the backdrop. I will continue on my journey of preservation of Australian farming history through my photography in the hope that future generations can reference my images and perhaps be taken back in time to days when life was so much more simpler.

“Golden Skies”